"What makes our landlord’s insurance so good?" One of the articles in the current HomeLet E newsletter for their agents. - I wanted to know why so I read on and this is what the article said.-
"We’ve been providing landlords with insurance for over a decade and our Landlord’s Insurance+ product has been specially designed for landlords to take the risk out of property rental.
Landlord’s Insurance+ is full of great features
There are lots of landlords’ insurance products on the market but does your landlord’s current buildings or contents insurance policy include Free Emergency Assistance?
What’s Emergency Assistance?
If there’s an emergency at your landlord’s property such as the loss of electricity, lost keys or plumbing emergencies, the tenant simply calls the 24/7 Emergency Assistance helpline – not you or your landlord. We’ll sort everything for them and an approved contractor will contact the tenant to begin resolving the problem within four hours – even if it’s 3am! Emergency Assistance covers the cost of calling out the contractor, parts, labour and materials for up to £500 per emergency. This is a great additional service that’s included as standard!
What else is included as standard?
Landlords get cover for loss of rent or re-letting costs for two years (or £50,000) should the tenants have to move out following an insured incident
We automatically provide buildings insurance up to £500,000
We provide £5 million property owner’s liability, so if a tenant trips and injures themselves for example and the landlord is found to be liable we’ll protect them
We provide also provide £10 million employer’s liability so if an employee, such as a gardener, cleaner or plumber working in a property injures themselves and the landlord is found to be liable we’ll protect them
Great optional extras
As well as offering great cover as standard we also offer…
Legal Expenses (with no excess)
Boiler cover (emergency breakdown of your boiler and heating system) for just £5 a month
Prestige Rent Guarantee covering the rent up to 12 months after any breach of tenancy
Get it for less!
A policy with us this year costs on average 29% less than it would have done a year ago! That’s because we also offer discounts for:
Good no claims history
Properties managed by letting agents
New properties
Professional tenants
Self-employed landlords
Retired landlords
Want to know more? Visit the HomeLet Land and Tenant insurance website Here
Information supplied by e newsletter August 2010 by HomeLet
Basically, this kind of insurance provides protection against loss of rent. This kind of insurance covers the landlord's legal costs of recovering rent or evicting a non-paying tenant. It is an effective way of protecting yourself against any kind of losses.
There are also other Landlord Insurance products such as Landlord Building Insurance and Landlord Household Contents Insurance, plus Tradesmens Insurance and Tenants Insurance.
landlord building insurance
Landlords insurance is an insurance policy that covers a property owner from financial losses connected with rental properties. There are so many landlords household that offers insurance like that.
last year Landlord insurance is make me crazy!
Thanks for all your landlord insurance details. I will keep that in mind when my current insurance runs out could you give me a typical price for a mid terrace with 4 bedrooms?
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