They will be providing more specific details on the terms of these products as soon as they can.
However they always appreciate the chance to quote on any more- standard buy to lets, residential or commercial business (See section lower down about their products).
All of this is good news for landlords as reported on the ARLA website on Monday.
"Rental demand outstripping supply, according to Sequence" - According to research into properties on their books, a surprising turn of events is beginning to show itself as new tenancies agreed have risen by 22% year-on-year across the country, with a 20% rise in London.
Furthermore, across the country there has been 17% growth in tenancy demand, however London has seen just a 5% rise in demand.
The research also points to a 29% annual rise in the numbers of new properties available to rent, with just a 13% rise in London.What this means is supply is now rising higher than demand. As a result, average rents across the country are now flat at £706. The average rent in London also remains flat at £1,374 as the increased supply quashes any potential increases.
Stephen Nation, head of lettings at Sequence, said:"The rental market across the country continues to be a hive of activity.
"Landlords continue to flock to the market keen to take advantage of growing demand, up 17% annually, and attractive mortgage products.
"The dual increase in supply (up 29%) and demand is one reason why rents are remaining stable, though landlords are also pricing their properties keenly to secure tenants over the summer period.
"In London demand (up 5%) continued to marginally outstrip supply (1%) in June, though the ratio of new tenants to new properties is converging with the rest of the UK and as a result prices remain flat.
"Landlords, buoyed by low interest rates and attractive mortgage products, are all too aware of the increasing competition so they are looking to attract reliable long-term tenants, and are pricing their properties to do so."
source: arla.co.uk
Rentguard also provide Tenant insurance - an essential when you are renting. They have a great selection of products advertised on their page at the jml-property-insurance web site including:
Landlords Insurance
Commercial Property Insurance
Legal Expenses with/without Rent Guarantee Insurance
For Owners (Private Residences) Insurance
Tenants Insurance
Holiday Home Insurance
Rentguard Insurance – Home Insurance
Rentguard Insurance – Portfolio and Blocks of Flats Insurance Insurance
Furthermore, across the country there has been 17% growth in tenancy demand, however London has seen just a 5% rise in demand.
The research also points to a 29% annual rise in the numbers of new properties available to rent, with just a 13% rise in London.What this means is supply is now rising higher than demand. As a result, average rents across the country are now flat at £706. The average rent in London also remains flat at £1,374 as the increased supply quashes any potential increases.
Stephen Nation, head of lettings at Sequence, said:"The rental market across the country continues to be a hive of activity.
"Landlords continue to flock to the market keen to take advantage of growing demand, up 17% annually, and attractive mortgage products.
"The dual increase in supply (up 29%) and demand is one reason why rents are remaining stable, though landlords are also pricing their properties keenly to secure tenants over the summer period.
"In London demand (up 5%) continued to marginally outstrip supply (1%) in June, though the ratio of new tenants to new properties is converging with the rest of the UK and as a result prices remain flat.
"Landlords, buoyed by low interest rates and attractive mortgage products, are all too aware of the increasing competition so they are looking to attract reliable long-term tenants, and are pricing their properties to do so."
source: arla.co.uk
Rentguard also provide Tenant insurance - an essential when you are renting. They have a great selection of products advertised on their page at the jml-property-insurance web site including:
Landlords Insurance
Commercial Property Insurance
Legal Expenses with/without Rent Guarantee Insurance
For Owners (Private Residences) Insurance
Tenants Insurance
Holiday Home Insurance
Rentguard Insurance – Home Insurance
Rentguard Insurance – Portfolio and Blocks of Flats Insurance Insurance
Rentguard is a trading name of RGA Group Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Rentguard is a trading name of RGA Group Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority