In 2002 when jml-property-insurance.co.uk was launched Letsure Landlord and Tenants insurance was the first product to be offered with the first commission payment arriving in July of that year.
Philip Suter had originally introduced Letsure to Frank Farr & Sons when he set up their residential letting office in 1984. Letsure was used for tenant referencing together with the sale of Landlords and Tenants insurance. When he established the JNP Partnership’s letting office in 2001 the Letsure agency was established there.
With the introduction of the Internet, it was the logical step to introduce Letsure products on the jml-property-insurance.co.uk web site. In 2007 Letsure was bought by the parent company of their main competitor HomeLet. By the October all insurance dealings from the Letsure website were transferred to HomeLet which by coincidence jml has been an introducer to since late 2002.
In early February 2009 Ian Fraser the newly appointed Managing Director of Letsure contacted jml Property Insurance to find out if they could introduce the Letsure product once again as they used to be a major agent.
Philip Suter of jml said” I was delighted to receive Ian’s call and to have the opportunity of having the Letsure products back on our sites again. Letsure is a very long established brand leader and we have just got the dedicated links to their site working”
Letsure are offering landlords, tenants and UK holiday home or second home property insurance. They have a simple quotation system that can be accessed via the jml-property-insurance.co.uk website.
More information can be found at the jml-property-insurance website www.jml-property-insurance.co.uk
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