If they don't keep up the payments, cover will cease and if there is a claim, then they won't be covered!!
This is a typical example of these copy letters:
1st March 2009
Dear Agent,
Policy Numner: PHL1XXXXXX
Risk Address: XXXXXXXX
Policy Holder: Miss G.......M........
We refer to the above mentioned policy and must confirm that we have been unable to collect the premium instalment of £1.95 which was due on 1st March 2009.
To ensure continuance of cover,we will attempt to collect the outstanding amount from the client't credit/debot card account over the next 10 days. Thereafter the regular monthly premium will be collected on the normal collection day.
We must inform you that failure to maintain monthly instalments could result in the cancellation or voidance of the client's policy in accordance with policy terms and conditions.
Should you have any queries on this issue please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services Department.
Yours faithfully
This is for £1.95 such a small sum to pay, however if she does not pay it, her insurance cover ends.
Another letter for a renewal says:
We refer to the above mentioned policy which fell due for renewal on the 23rd February 2009. Please note that the renewal premium due has not been paid and as a result the policy has lapsed.
Make sure you keep up your insurance payments Insurance is one essential you can't afford to be without today
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