According to the The Co-operative Insurance, it is the only provider in the UK with a customer-led Ethical Engagement Policy, reflecting their customers' views on a range of ethical issues from human rights to the environment and animal welfare. The Co-operative Financial Services (CFS) is part of The Co-operative Group, the UK's largest consumer co-operative. CFS is the group of businesses that includes The Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) and The Co-operative Bank including smile.
The Co-operative Group is a family of businesses that share the same co-operative way of doing things. That means offering an excellent service to their customers, selling their products in a fair and honest way, and being committed to supporting communities on their doorstep and beyond.
In July 2008 The Co-operative Insurance Voted Best Online Motor Insurance Provider by Your Money Awards. Now in their eleventh year the Your Money Awards are the longest standing and most highly coveted awards in the industry. The objective of the awards scheme is to reward those providers of financial services who have excelled in their field over the last 12 months.
The Co-operative retail market is now much larger as the completion of the purchase of competitor Somerfield. The Somerfield name is set to disappear from the high street very shortly. It is now . Britain's fifth-biggest food retailer.
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