His first point of call was The Environment Agency. They have a very interesting and useful website explaining how they work with the insurance industry. They have a page to help people in areas that could be affected by flooding. "Prepare for flooding by following some simple steps to reduce the impact of flooding on your home or business" Find out more Here
You can also find out if your property is in an area at risk of flooding and as a lot of people are struggling to find suitable insurance they have a section on this. They suggest: Talk to one of the brokers who specialise in properties that are difficult to insure. You should be able to find these brokers in the Yellow Pages. - Contact the ABI or BIBA and the National Flood Forum (NFF). Of course there is another way, contact a specialist broker advertising on the jml Property Insurance website Here
The Consumer Magazine "Which" was next on the list.
Which has a page on their website "Buildings insurance explained - Flooding and subsidence"
The article talks about advice to find out if a property is in a risk area and links the visitor to the Environment Agency (above). They have some useful information "How to make your home more flood resilient
1) Replace timber floors with concrete and covering with tiles
2) Replace chipboard/MDF kitchen and bathroom units with plastic equivalents
3) Move boilers and electrical points well above likely flood level
4) Install one-way valves into drainage pipes to avoid sewage backing up into the house" On the same subject at the jml Property-Insurance website there is a very helpful page "Flood Insurance Products" It is well worth visiting HERE
The Which site can be accessed HERE
Which has another useful page entitled "Buildings insurance explained" - One of the items is "Q: If I live in an area at risk of flooding, will I still be able to get insurance?
A: Currently, there’s an agreement between the government and insurers that insurers will continue to offer cover to existing customers living in areas at high risk of flooding so long as the government commits sufficient money towards maintaining and improving flood defences. (see the rest HERE)

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