The HomeLet Landlord insurance Newsletter for agents has an articele "Evict"
They say...Even the most robust references can’t guarantee a tenant’s circumstances won’t change and for those landlords who find themselves with a problem tenant who fails to pay their rent, HomeLet brings the most expert service available to help regain possession of their investment property.
HomeLet have been helping Landlords evict unwanted tenants for over a decade and so their specialist legal team have more experience than anyone else.
They understand that dealing with a problem tenant can be an upsetting and not to mention worrying time. But with HomeLet they will take the strain from the property owner and their professional and friendly team will guide you through the whole process to ensure the property is returned in the quickest time possible.
What happens if a tenant fails to pay the rent and a landlord doesn’t already have cover?
Stage 1
Once you’re sure you’ve tried everything, our one off first stage fee covers the cost of preparing and serving a Section 8 notice, and demand letter on the defaulting tenant.
They have found that in up to around 50% of cases, this could be the only stage you need from HomeLet, which is why they have broken our service down into stages.
Stage 2
If your tenant doesn’t respond to threat of legal action, they will arrange the issue of Court Proceedings, seeking a Possession Order and a Money Judgment. They will arrange for an experienced advocate to attend court to present your case.
All they ask is that either yourself, or the agent responsible for collecting the rent attends to give evidence of the arrears.
Stage 3
Where the court has made a Possession Order in your favour, the tenant must move out and hand possession back.
However, if your tenant doesn’t do this on their own accord, then they will apply to the court for an eviction appointment. The court will arrange for a date and time for a bailiff to attend the property and the tenant will be evicted.
If you are worried about your tenant's ability to pay their rent consider taking out specalist Landlord insdurance after all "Letting without Rent Guarantee is like riding your bike downhill without brakes".
Follow this link for HomeLet http://www.homeletuk.com/cgi-bin/alpha.cgi?agentschemeno=1501435
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