Noble Marine are specialist insurance brokers providing boat insurance for most types of pleasure craft based in the UK.The great thing about them as they run an on line operation quotations and cover can be provided on-line, any time of day or night, for most classes of Dinghy, Windsurfer, RIB, Speedboat, Narrowboat, Rowing Boat and Jet Ski.
In March this year they issued a "Theft Warning for Dinghy Sailors" - They had noticed a steady rise in the number of incidences of theft from dinghies in Sailing Club compounds. The situation is worse for all One Design classes and the Laser in particular.
The thieves are targeting foils, sails, spars and even fittings attached to the hull.
They suggested that all dinghy owners should:
Leave the minimum amount of equipment with their boat
Before buying second-hand equipment, carefully check the source; especially when buying via the internet or at boat jumble events
Mark all equipment with your boat's sail number
So if you own a pleasure craft or are thinking of buying one, do make sure that it is properly insured.
Find out more information at: http://www.jml-insurance.co.uk/products.php?id=17
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