We were provided with the following news report today.
Last December, Animal Friends Insurance chose to support the charity Gearing Up For Gorillas (G4G - www.g4g.co.uk), by helping with funding for vital projects to save the majestic mountain gorillas in the war torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). AFI report that they are already making a difference. Funding has enabled the feeding and care of three orphan baby gorillas at a sanctuary in Goma. Ndeze and Ndakasi are two mountain gorillas and Mapendo an eastern lowland gorilla.
G4G representative Linda Nunn commented, “The milk powder for baby gorillas is very expensive (especially at the moment with insecurity and travel issues), and the ranger/care givers have to go further to fetch forest food for them every day. They're obviously having to go further to quieter areas or pay local people to fetch it from afar for them and that all takes money. Funds from AFI will keep Ndeze, Ndakasi and Mapendo fed and looked after for some time.”
The UN has declared 2009 to be the official “Year of the Gorilla” to raise awareness of their plight and the efforts of rangers who risk their lives to protect them. Animal Friends is proud to support this cause and aims to assist in the campaign.
G4G works to assist park rangers who have limited resources and whose work place is one of the most dangerous in the world. Many rangers and their families have been living in trenches because of the war. Over the last decade, more than 100 rangers have been killed while on duty in DRC.
Five National Parks in DRC are classified as ‘World Heritage Sites – in Danger’. These five sites are the last refuge for many of the worlds endangered and threatened species. In eastern DRC, the Virunga National Park is home to around half of the last remaining mountain gorillas. The gorillas are under intense threat – as are the brave rangers who work there. In January, ranger Safari Kakule was attacked and killed. AFI has started to provide funding to directly help these courageous rangers.
Animal Friends Insurance can help protect your pet against the rising costs of pet insurance - you can buy pet insurance online quickly and easily, and they have a range of policies to suit every need and budget. As an ethical insurer, Animal Friends Insurance is the only UK pet insurance company which donates one hundred percent of its net profits to helping animal charities and welfare organisations all over the world.
Animal Friends Insurance is a non-profit making insurance business, which donates 100% of its net profits to animal welfare charities worldwide. The company was founded in 1998 and offers competitively priced dog and cat insurance products. In 2005 Animal Friends Insurance's managing director, Elaine Fairfax, won the NatWest everywoman Award for achieving the most outstanding success in business. Animal Friends currently insures around 30,000 pets at a £5 million gross written premium
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