Thursday, 10 October 2013

Article on buying a property in Spain in Living Spain

I have just been reading through Christopher Nye's interesting article "House buying in Spain" in the autumn 2013 edition of  Living Spain magazine.

One area that was not mentioned was once you have purchased that Spanish property (and it appears from the media generally at the moment there is a good choice and bargains about) what do you do about the insurance.

Going through the Intasure Insurance stats for this year there have been a lot of people who have property in Spain taking out new Intersare insurance policies or renewing them.

It looks like buying in Spain can be complicated (as in many countries) and It makes great sense when you can talk to an advisor if you need to in your own language.

Intasure insurance covers holiday home owners in a large number of countries. They also offer main residence insurance. So if you live permanently in a country like Spain, Ireland, England etc you just take out the policy with them. 

Going through through the stats further today, it looks like customers from many other countries have purchased via the dedicated links on the various jml Insurance websites - Italy, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, South Africa, Cyprus, Turkey, Portugal, Germany, Malta, France, Bulgaria and the UK.

As you will want to find out more visit Intasure Insurance Here 

Remember they also are involved with business insurance, Holiday cabin and chalet insurance and for the UK property rental market (including holiday homes of course) Landlord and Tenant insurance products. 

Do you live in a block of apartments / flats in the UK? They offer products for this area as well. Find out more Here

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