Friday, 24 July 2009

Time to think about University or College.. Don't forget Student insurance

It is that time of year again, a wet July afternoon and you are waiting for those all too important "A" level and Higher results will shortly be out and you will soon know if you have got into the universit or college of your choice.
Of course you might be at the end of your gap year and have already decided where to go. Newspapers are starting to feature universities. Thurdsday 23rd July 09, The Independent had a 8 page supplement on Welsh Univesities. According to the paper there are 12 scattered around the country including The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama where Sir Anthony Hopkins studied.
The majority are in the south and Cardiff has famous former students like politicians Neil and Glenys Kinnock, ITV Weather presenter Siân LLoyd and BBC Presenter HUw Edwards.My nephew also went there.

At Aberystwyth on the west coast one of my histor teachers went there, quite a few years back even before Prine Charles was there!
No doubt over the coming weeks our newspapers will be full of articles on these seats of "Higher learning".
What is so important however is the fact that students will be out there searching for accommodation, making sure they have their ipods, lap top computers and mobiles to start off theit advance learning programme. They will be running up debt with the student loan, but wait for it what will they forget?
It will be the insurance for their belongings. Why? Well the reason is they often think that they won't have their property stolen.
However it happens a lot and what with the student loans and other borrowing, students don't want to have to keep on spending money on replacing their belongings. act as introducers to major companies like Endsleigh and HomeLet and Letsure.
Do remember to take out insurance when you go off to University or College.
By the way, don't forget to insure your bike, even if you are going to a busy bike city like Oxford or Cambridge.


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