Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Ex Offenders insurance magazine The Record has just arrived

The Record August 2011 edition has just been sent to me.

It is sproduced by UNLOCK the National association of Reformed Offenders.

Ex Offenders and their families often find it is difficult to get insurance according to Neil Cook a specialist insurance broker.

He says "Insurance policyholders must disclose unspent convictions within their household or risk throwing away the premium. If you support ex-offenders please highlight this to them. His associates provide fast, effective, affordable, compassionate solutions for most types of insurance for all criminal convictions, covering clients in the UK & Northern Ireland. "

Find out more Here

See the August edition of The Record Here

Unacceptable Insurance Excesses

Neil Cook an insurance broker who specialises in Non Standard insurance products has just submitted the following reminders

On properties that have suffered subsidence or subsidence issues, or mining issues or historic movement

Things to note !!!!

If the subsidence excess exceeds £1500 or even, £1000 with some lenders like some Building Societies the mortgage is invalid so please do not buy policies with large subsidence excesses as you are throwing away your money Yes you should expect to pay a bit for the premium but not vastly more !

Only buy a policy that has the right excess with a guarantee that when you rent out or sell the property that the policy will continue


Just because most insurers scare the buying by saying that you cannot get cover if the house has subsidence issues don’t be forced to stick with the same mainstream insurer paying vast premiums that particularly applies to the older generation who have policies with the likes of some well known insurance companies

Please do ask our experts for a no obligation quotation WITHOUT THE NEED FOR FRESH SURVEY REPORTS OR UPFRONT SURVEY CHARGES you could be pleasantly surprised at the saving

FOR FLOOD VICTIMS OR THOSE IN HIGH RISK AREAS including those people who like in riverside houses or apartments

If you have been flooded Do expect an excess that equates to about 10% of the cost of the flood claim !

Don’t be frightened into paying high premiums and vast excesses !!!!

On properties that are in high risk flood area DO NOT PAY FOR ENVIRONMENT AGENT FLOOD REPORTS In truth an insurance specialist who understands this wont need them

Again don’t be forced into paying insane premiums

The Association of British insurers treating flood victims fairly code of practice ends in 2013

Do be prepared for some nasty surprises !!!!! it is rumoured that the typical home owner who pays about premium WILL face vast increases such is you had a typical flood claim of £50,000 expect to pay another £5000 on top of your premium for flood cover

Our specialist providers are thinking more sensibly!!


To find out more CLICK HERE

Friday, 19 August 2011

Fraud 2011 Neil Cook insurance broker will be speaking at October conference

Post's annual fraud conference, Fraud 2011, will be taking place on Thursday 20th October at The Millenium Hotel, Grosvenor Square, Mayfair London

Amongst the speakers Neil Cook a specialist insurance, insurance broker in the "Panel Session" in the afternoon.

For more information about this conference click on the image in the top left hand corner.

We will bring you more information after the conference from Neil Cook.

In the meantime if you are looking for specialist insurance for Flood damaged property, property in flood areas, people with criminal convictions requiring insurance or a multitude of other insurance areas use this form to contact Neil Cook

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Insurance problems solved for woman whose husband is in prison

Neil Cook an insurance broker who specialises in insurance for ex-offenders, kidnap and ransom travel insurance and insurance for flood victims has just sent in this report.

Had a call from a really nice lady who was having trouble getting car insurance although the husband is in prison and does not drive it is still the policyholders duty to tell the insurer!!!!!

I also asked her if she was ok about her house insurance she “Said its only a small village so her husbands conviction is common knowledge in fact her next neighbour was the insurance broker who placed the cover as he and all his staff knew”

She called me back shortly after in tears as after talking to her neighbour she found that for several years of paying the premium the broker had failed to tell her insurers so the cover was worthless

Thankfully our specialist got her cover at £8 more than she had paid !!!

If you need some advice contact Neil Cook HERE

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Kidnapping in Africa

The Independent’s Traveller published a small news report on Saturday 6th August 2011 saying “Warning of the week

According to the information the Australian Government had warned of a “high threat of kidnapping against Westerners in north, west and east Africa”

Countries that are considered high risk include Kenya. The Australian Government report says that “in the past, foreigners have been kidnapped from their vehicles and road travel should be undertaken in convoy in daylight using a local guide.”

In the north west “foreigners are advised not to attend major festivals like the Tuareg Festival in the Desert and the Sahara Nights festival in northern Mali and the Tamadach Festival in Eastern Mali” (Source The Independent)

If you would like information on Kidnap and Ransom insurance please visit this web page

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Flooding in Goole east Yorkshire

The Guardian had a headline "Flash floods hit Yorkshire after torrential rainHomes and businesses evacuated after parts of region receive almost one month's rainfall in 12 hours" and Goole People reported that "Humberside Fire and Rescue have had a busy evening attending a number of incidents across Goole because of flooding."

The BBC News website has reported that North Yorkshire and East Yorkshire were badly affected on Wednesday, with some homes and businesses being evacuated. Humberside Fire Service received 135 calls in three hours as heavy rain fell on Goole and the aftermath left the town college closed.

According to the news report "In Goole, a residential home for the elderly and a supermarket in the town centre were among the buildings evacuated."

For more information on Flooding and Flood insurance CLICK HERE

To stop the re-offending of petty/drink/ drug related offenders

Neil Cook an insurance broker who has often provided interesting information for this blog has just sent us this.

"First and foremost, I was unable to watch the channnel 4 programme, due to another "Hiccup" in my recovery of the pitfalls of life mishaps, but having took myself down to "Unlock" rehibilition of ex-offenders, as rep for ex-offenders at my local community townhall) to meet the very man himself Mr Bob Cummings,O.B.E, I was referred to by another understanding intelligent, non jugemental worker from the Minestry of Justice department, I was greeted and made very welcomed, as this visit, I took up on myself, with my own instiative to find out what " Unlock" was really about, to en power my community with information,that has given me back my self worth, self esteem, and belonging,( I was very lucky, to have a judge, probation officier, that genuinely supported me on my journey towards, getting back into society, others I have heard thru my work HAVE NOT HAD UNDERSTANDING,direction by PROFESSIONAL WORKERS IN THAT FIELD, BECAUSE OF THEIR MISHAPS OF LIFE,and being judge from the word go, from their first visit to see their probation worker who is over worked with so many clients, that they cannot give their time to only the the five minute clients who they could not care to.

I THANK GOD FOR GIVING ME BACK THAT CHANCE OF LIVING AND HELPING OTHERS) the information that Mr Cummings said two good things, that "Unlock" are independant,reason being his independant organization was managed with "Great integrity" with his staff, governed by him 1/ that he is putting his mouth where it matters, to the naughty boys and men in this country by retraining/ and giving them one -to one support, towards employment,(where others, simply pass onto a never ending countless line into the justice system or job-centres, only to be told, "Theres a good job going, Mr Bloggs, for 6-25, per hour, as a cleaner( when, Mr Bloggs/ ex-addict/ ex-offender can go and visit a major store and steal a lump of beef thats been frozen, for months on end and can get six pound, for it down the local immigrant cafe, 2/ Mr Cummings was himself "a ex- naughty boy, a long time ago, and knows what life, as a ex-offender is all about,when released into our so called "Big Society, so we both shared a very good empathy, compassion about "the real world of obstacles, an ex-offender has to face, Mr Cummings centres will be the way forward, investment worth spent,"I take my hat off to him, because his idea has not come from middle england , which im pleased to say, because they will be the first ones to tear these centres down, hoping that his centres dont work, or think "along with the acamdemics ,"LOOK, AT HIM, WHY DIDNT WE THINK OF THAT? WITH GREEN EYE JEALOUSY, OR ENVY.

After there have regained their self esteem self -worth, and fully trained as electricans and plumbers etc,His project, manly for the youth- disadvantaged,hopefully will be the "ONE" along with only a few projects, in place,

As far as the the one in Bristol project, "Yes" its good to see, but a very tuff
one in that, yes they are decreasing the crime rates, (for the time being, but the fools, who lack intelligence) dont see the finl picture, finally after thirty years, these so called" academics", at thirty five grand a year wages, the final penny has dropped!Yet another "pilot scheme of statistics to shut the cumminity councils, commitee boards, fianceirs up, so they can say produce on paper and say look, our programme is working, we have cut the crime rate down! all well and good, "good work your doing, keep going......... "how much more money do you require??? this continues till Mr Bloggs the has come off his script, has contiued to succeed his programme, with 99 percent attendance under the DDR, justice system, but the academics forget many other things...............of the "Why? reoffending occurs?

The reasons are full of..............and it is not the drugs that cause it???? the drink and drugs are a cry for help, escape, from the perils........ wait for it......... homelessness, unemployment, redundancy, c.r.b. problems, time waiting for the non-beaucratic piece of toilet paper this country has enforced us onto....... (except for serious offenders meaning child/sex/ and violent mentally ill offenders) debt....domestic violence... abuse...immigration....divorce....social services. As I said to many people...... poverty! You have to get these issues sorted before hand, before the training, schemes, prison, then its a completely waste of funding/ time....... a person that comes out of prison/ detox/ rehabs( which I believe is a complete waste of public funding, full stop!)A person is never going to be able to function while he or she has many issues, "As a experience person of the fellowship which did help me in the first nine months, to understand "Living life, on lives terms, aint that easy, when you have been years of slowly killing yourself, the destruction you have got yourself into the mental head that you are in, the mess, THATS WHERE US 25 PERCENT LOOSERS NEED THE SUPPORT OF ONE TO-ONE HELP FROM SOCIETY, THE PAID ACAMDEMICS...... HOUSING, D.H.SS, DEBT COUNSELLORS... SOCIAL SERVICES NEED TO START HAVING EDUCATION ON THESE ISSUES SURROUNDING WHY OFFENDERS KEEP OFFENDING, DRINKING ABUSE, DRUG ABUSE, are not the sole reasons behind the reoffending, it goes deeper, as Ive stated above, "One issue apart from poverty, can take any of us down that road to sin, abuse, prison, mental breakdown, it happen to us all, professional, acamdemics,the issues above in this century are the new " diseases of society today, if we as humans dont start to pull together, and start being unselfish and unjudgmental, and show more understanding, then as a grandmother our "future for our great grandchildren is doomed, forget " terroisiom,thats already been and gone and is here! The fight for education amongest us all in unity........... "I think thats what Mr Cameron means "When he talks about the "Big Society" the church leaders no-one listens to, I know why,................. but I will write about them another time

Source Neil Cook insurance broker from an ex-offender

If you would like to contact Neil Cook please CLICK HERE

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Is your Policy Valid? - Insurance With An Unspent Conviction

Neil Cook an insurance broker who has often provided interesting information for this blog is highlighting the issue of obtaining valid insurance with an unspent conviction. After speaking with several groups of reformed offenders recently, it is clear to him that many people are not declaring their unspent convictions when taking out insurance.

“What I am hearing so often is that people with an unspent conviction are confused about what they need to declare to their insurance provider”

When a conviction becomes spent is controlled by Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(ROA). Under these regulations prison sentences over two and a half years never become “spent”.

Neil went on to say, “The problem is two-fold. First are those people who have never been clearly asked about their unspent convictions by the insurance agencies.

“The second problem is people are not declaring when asked because they believe they will not be able to obtain affordable insurance. Approaching the mainstream insurance companies, this is often the case.”

Insurance contracts operate under the principle of “good faith” which puts the responsibility of declaring “material fact” such as unspent convictions, directly on to the policyholder. By not correctly declaring all unspent convictions, intentionally or not, policies are effectively worthless.

“If you are not sure if you have informed your insurance provider about all unspent convictions, it is worth double checking the policy to ensure all unspent convictions are listed and your insurance is valid. Discovering that the policy is void on claiming is too late.” said Neil.

Declaring all material facts at the outset is best practice, even if the insurance company does not directly ask about specific unspent criminal convictions. While declaring unspent criminal convictions does make obtaining insurance more difficult, there are specialist insurance brokers who can provide affordable policies.

If you need to Contact Neil Cook, then Click Here please