It does not seem that long ago when it was impossible to get hold of a builder, plumber, decorator or electrician in Ireland to even carry out the smallest of jobs. The property market was booming, property prices were going sky high and even with the large Polish work force in the country you still had to wait and wait!
What a different story in September 2009. The Irish Times property section last Thursday (24th September) had a report saying that several reports had just been published last week saying that prices for big and small construction jobs have fallen dramatically.
It seems that losts of trades people have lost their jobs, but homeowner should now benefit. It appears that the price of a single conrete block being laid has fallen from €2 at the height of the boom to 50 cents today. The average spend on a home improvement project in 2009 is now €5,659 and it was €14,004 in 2007 according to a report in onlinetrademen.com.
If you need work done now, it seems like an ideal time to get it done before life comes back in the property market again and builders are fully employed.
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