19-10-09 Just come across this on CashNI.com.
Endsleigh.co.uk provides car insurance, home insurance, landlord insurance and travel insurance to Northern Ireland customers, and the provider is using its expertise to offer insights into some of the cars on show at this year's Frankfurt Motor Show.
The company's car insurance specialists say a highlight of the 2009 German automotive show will be the eco-friendly models on display, since low carbon emissions ultimately save motorists cash on their car insurance policies.
One such model is the latest Vauxhall Astra, which has been redesigned to improve fuel consumption and, Endsleigh points out, meet all the latest Euro 5 emissions standards.
Another highlight singled out for its car insurance benefits by Endsleigh is the Citroen DS3, again praised for its low CO2 emissions.
When car insurance, home insurance, landlord insurance or travel insurance customers in Northern Ireland turn to Endsleigh for cover, the provider searches a panel of insurers to find the lowest-cost policy.
Not only is Endsleigh's website easy to use and its quotes quick and simple, but insurance seekers can benefit from attractive discounts available online from cashni.com, including £35 for car insurance, £15 for home insurance, £10 on landlord insurance and six per cent cashback on travel insurance.
Endsleigh.co.uk provides car insurance, home insurance, landlord insurance and travel insurance to Northern Ireland customers, and the provider is using its expertise to offer insights into some of the cars on show at this year's Frankfurt Motor Show.
The company's car insurance specialists say a highlight of the 2009 German automotive show will be the eco-friendly models on display, since low carbon emissions ultimately save motorists cash on their car insurance policies.
One such model is the latest Vauxhall Astra, which has been redesigned to improve fuel consumption and, Endsleigh points out, meet all the latest Euro 5 emissions standards.
Another highlight singled out for its car insurance benefits by Endsleigh is the Citroen DS3, again praised for its low CO2 emissions.
When car insurance, home insurance, landlord insurance or travel insurance customers in Northern Ireland turn to Endsleigh for cover, the provider searches a panel of insurers to find the lowest-cost policy.
Not only is Endsleigh's website easy to use and its quotes quick and simple, but insurance seekers can benefit from attractive discounts available online from cashni.com, including £35 for car insurance, £15 for home insurance, £10 on landlord insurance and six per cent cashback on travel insurance.
At the jml-insurance.co.uk we have a specialist section for Northern Ireland Residents Insurance.
We have insurance companies advertising the following:
•Landlord Rental Property Insurance - (Buildings and Contents - Emergency Assistance - Rent Guarantee Legal Expenses etc)
•Tenant Rental Insurance - (Accidental damage to a Landlord's property - Frozen Food - Pedal Cycles - contents etc)
•Student Insurance - (Rental Property - Contents in University accommodation - Motor Insurance - Cycles etc)
•Travel Insurance (Holidays - Business - Skiing - backpacking etc)
•Motor Insurance - Cars - Vans - Motor cycles - motor bikes
•Car Hire Rental excess Insurance - (for when you rent a car etc)
•Household Insurance - (Building - Property - Contents)
•Ex Offenders Insurance Products
•Caught Speeding and lost licence - Speeding conviction - Travel expenses Insurance
Take a look some time.
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