The "Irish Times" reported an interesting story on Thursday 16th December 2010 -"Councillor seeks permission for houses in area prone to flooding" Apparently a member of Clare County Council in the Republic of Ireland who had flood problems last year has put in a planning application for five detached on a site prone to flooding next to his home in Ennis.
The report on the left shows a photograph of Fine Gael Councilor Tony Mulqueen walking along in waders and had to access his house by dingy.
Water levels had risen around 76cm around his home in December 2009. A decision on the application is due next month and the Department of the Environment does have guidelines on areas prone to flooding so it will be intersesting to know if he obtains consent.
If you are experiencing problems getting insurance cover for properties in flood affected areas in Northern Ireland, England, Scotaland and Wales then you need to contact Equity and General Insurance Services. Their expert insurance broker is Neil Cook and the insurance company advertises on the jml-insurance.co.uk site. http://www.jml-insurance.co.uk/displayproduct.php?id=259&sec=1
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