Came across this piece on the 8th January 2010 issued by The National Landlords Association - NLA entitled
"Boiler scrappage scheme details announced"
The government has published details of the new boiler scrappage scheme. Landlords can get £400 off a new A-rated boiler or renewable heating system, when they scrap their old G-rated boiler.
The scheme is designed to help households cut carbon emissions, save money on fuel bills and sustain work for the heating industry:
£400 cash back vouchers available from the Energy Saving Trust
Open to all landlords, tenants and homeowners in England
Old boiler must be the main boiler to heat the home and G-rated or worse
Currently capped at 125,000 households
No limit on the number of applications landlords can make
To obtain a voucher, landlords must get a quote and then apply through the Energy Saving Trust. Vouchers will be valid for 12 weeks from date of issue. Landlords will need to pay for the new boiler and installation up front and then claim the cash back by sending the invoice and voucher to the Energy Saving Trust. Installations made before receipt of the voucher will not be eligible.
For more details about the scheme and to apply please visit the Energy Saving Trust website or call 0800 512 012. The website can also help you identify if your boiler is G-rated and other grants and discounts available.
The Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish Assemblies and Governments will be considering whether they want to introduce similar schemes.
The government has published details of the new boiler scrappage scheme. Landlords can get £400 off a new A-rated boiler or renewable heating system, when they scrap their old G-rated boiler.
The scheme is designed to help households cut carbon emissions, save money on fuel bills and sustain work for the heating industry:
£400 cash back vouchers available from the Energy Saving Trust
Open to all landlords, tenants and homeowners in England
Old boiler must be the main boiler to heat the home and G-rated or worse
Currently capped at 125,000 households
No limit on the number of applications landlords can make
To obtain a voucher, landlords must get a quote and then apply through the Energy Saving Trust. Vouchers will be valid for 12 weeks from date of issue. Landlords will need to pay for the new boiler and installation up front and then claim the cash back by sending the invoice and voucher to the Energy Saving Trust. Installations made before receipt of the voucher will not be eligible.
For more details about the scheme and to apply please visit the Energy Saving Trust website or call 0800 512 012. The website can also help you identify if your boiler is G-rated and other grants and discounts available.
The Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish Assemblies and Governments will be considering whether they want to introduce similar schemes.
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