HomeLet one of the UK’s largest landlord and Tenant insurance providers has issued a press release on Friday 4th December. In November it was announced that Letsense who entered the Landlord and Tenant insurance and referencing business a year ago was to close in early December and that it’s 12 staff had been put on notice.
HomeLet then announced that they would be offering assistance to agents linked to rival firm. Today they have issued this press release saying:-
LetSense customers have only a few days left to choose another referencing and insurance provider before the company ceases trading on Monday 7th December.
Making the wrong choice of provider could cause significant disruption to agents who rely on LetSense as their referencing provider to secure tenants for their landlords’ properties. A delayed reference can mean the loss of a tenant which in turn could lead to a landlord choosing a different letting agent.
Managing Director of HomeLet John Boyle is urging agents not to panic and is offering a personal guarantee to any LetSense agent concerned about the effect on their business.
“As the market-leading referencing and specialist insurance provider to the letting industry HomeLet has the capability to sign up new agents and enable them to start transacting references on the same day. We have the capacity to provide new customers with the same great service that our existing customers receive.
“We’ve been extremely busy in the last six months, but we’re still able to support more than 3000 letting agents across the UK, agents who all trust HomeLet to deliver for their businesses.”
Not only does HomeLet cross-reference every tenant with its own blacklist containing all previous HomeLet arrears claims – something credit agencies cannot provide – but it also completes 82% of all references in 24 hours or less: quite a feat considering HomeLet references in excess of 1,500 prospective tenants every day.
HomeLet, which has 17 years’ experience in the lettings insurance industry, has already signed up a number of LetSense agents keen to take advantage of HomeLet’s unrivalled knowledge and expertise.
“We have set up a hotline for concerned LetSense agents and we have a team of people ready to process their applications.” John continued.
“As a HomeLet customer, agents can offer their clients access to the most comprehensive and robust products and services available to protect them from the risks associated with renting.”
. HomeLet is the UK’s largest tenant referencing, Rent Guarantee and specialist insurance provider for the lettings industry and has around 3,000 approved letting agents nationwide.
. HomeLet pays out an average £3m in Rent Guarantee claims every year.
. HomeLet is proud to announce it is a main sponsor of the Estate Agent and Letting Agent of the Year Awards 2010.
HomeLet is a trading name of Barbon Insurance Group Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Registered in England number 3135797. Registered office address: 4-9 Highview, High Street, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 0AX.
We at jml-property-insurance are HomeLet Premier agents and have been for the past seven years. If you are looking for Landlords or Tenants insurance follow this link HERE
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